Pictured is Eduardo Gonzales (dad), Silvia (mom), Eduardo (son), Misty, Mr and Mrs. O
Saturday October 13, 2012
Mrs O and I are pleased to announce Misty Gonzales is the first recipient of the annual Camp Tecumseh scholarship provided by the Kelli Joy O’Laughlin Memorial Foundation. Camp Tecumseh held a special place in Kelli’s heart and that of all our family. Kelli attended camp there for 6 years, and it profoundly affected her life. She made lifelong friends and learned many lessons on how to be a good friend and a good person.
Mrs O and I had the opportunity to sit down with Misty and her parents to explain a little about the camp. She was amazed by the camp and all it had to offer. Misty is excited about meeting new friends, learning new skills and the opportunity for spiritual growth!! This is going to be a positive, safe, fun-filled opportunity for Misty and she can’t wait to go.
We are honored to be able to provide this opportunity for Misty. This is another example of the they type of positive impact on people of our community. Thanks to the wonderful people that have helped contribute to The Kelli Joy O’Laughlin Memorial Fund to keep Kelli’s memory alive and at the same time give young adults and children opportunities!
John O’Laughlin