KJO Scholarship Reception


KJO Scholarship Reception Events, Scholarships

by kellijoy14 on August 7, 2015 with 0 comment

Saturday July 25, 2015.  The KJO Scholarship Reception was hosted by John and Brenda O’Laughlin honoring recipients from the 2014 and 2015 graduating classes.  The Kelli Joy O’Laughlin Memorial Scholarship recipients and their parents were invited to attend this event. The KJO Scholarship Reception brought together recipients from Hinsdale Central, Hinsdale South, Lyons Township High School, Nazareth Academy, Fenwick …

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2015 Kelli Joy O’Laughlin Scholarship Recipient from Hinsdale South


2015 Kelli Joy O’Laughlin Scholarship Recipient from Hinsdale South Scholarships

by kellijoy14 on May 29, 2015 with 0 comment

May 29, 2015.   Jenna Stobbe is the Kelli Joy O’Laughlin Scholarship Recipient from Hinsdale South.  This is a $1500 annual scholarship renewable for 4 years. this is the fourth year of the scholarships’ existence, but the first year it was offered to Hinsdale South, and Jenna is the first winner from here. Excerpt from the …

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LTHS KJO Memorial Scholarship Recipients


LTHS KJO Memorial Scholarship Recipients Scholarships

by kellijoy14 on May 22, 2015 with 0 comment

May 22nd. Ten scholarship recipients from LTHS were announced today. Each recipient is eligible for a $2,500 scholarship renewable for 4 years.  Total value to each recipient of $10,000 and $100,000 to LTHS class of 2015. Congratulations to the following recipients: Alexa Bissell Leo Gabrek Anne Gertsmeier Chadwick Holland Olivia Jones Kaitlin Kober Anne LeFevour …

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LTHS Special Recognition Award


LTHS Special Recognition Award Scholarships

by kellijoy14 on May 22, 2015 with 0 comment

May 22. Kelli Joy O’Laughlin Memorial Special Recognition Award recipients for the Class of 2015.  The recipients are Victory Lampert, Elizabeth Gabrek and Mark Gomez. This award is a one time scholarship of $2500 for college tuition. Kelli Joy O’Laughlin’s spirit is with us every day, but today, in particular, she is on our minds and …

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Nazareth KJO Scholarship Recipient


Nazareth KJO Scholarship Recipient Scholarships

by kellijoy14 on May 22, 2015 with 0 comment

May 22, 2015.  Nazareth student Madison (Madi) Lozanoski received the KJO Scholarship today. Excerpt from Brenda’s speech. Today, Kelli’s Family is pleased to recognize an outstanding young woman at Nazareth Academy who reflects Kelli’s spirit of both doing good and doing well. This young woman took our breath away when she wrote, “I believe compassion …

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