KJO Golf Outing for 2014


KJO Golf Outing for 2014 Events

by kellijoy14 on July 21, 2014 with 0 comment

Many thanks to the Oak Brook Racquet & Fitness Club (OBRFC) for another successful & wonderful Golf Outing to raise funds for our foundation while bringing old and new friends together.  The outing had more than 150 golfers that was held at the Oak Brook Golf Course .  The course did a wonderful job making …

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Fenwick Bake Sale


Fenwick Bake Sale Events

by kellijoy14 on June 12, 2014 with 0 comment

From left to right Brenda O’Laughlin, Anastasia Velliotis, Marie Burke & John O’Laughlin.  These wonderful students from Fenwick H.S. wanted to do something special to raise money for the Kelli Joy O’Laughlin Memorial Foundation to be able to give opportunities to young adults as well as keep Kelli’s memory alive. They had a bake sale …

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Highlands Middle School Honors Assembly


Highlands Middle School Honors Assembly Uncategorized

by kellijoy14 on May 26, 2014 with 0 comment

Friday May 23rd, 2014 Here is Brenda’s speech present the Kelli Joy O’Laughlin Memorial Award to a Highlands student. “I’m honored to be here to present the Kelli Joy O’Laughlin Memorial Award to a deserving Highlands Middle School student. As you know, Kelli was a Highlands graduate, and she spent much of her time working …

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Nazareth KJO Memorial Scholarship Presentation


Nazareth KJO Memorial Scholarship Presentation Scholarships

by kellijoy14 on May 26, 2014 with 0 comment

Presented Friday May 24th, 2014 We are honored to be here to present the Kelli Joy O’Laughlin Memorial Scholarship to a deserving Nazareth Academy  student. Our daughter, Kelli sought and achieved a true balance in her life.  She loved sports, especially tennis and running and worked hard in school to achieve success.  Outside school and …

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