Camp Tecumseh Award Recipient Named


Camp Tecumseh Award Recipient Named Uncategorized

by kellijoy14 on October 14, 2012 with 0 comment

Pictured is Eduardo Gonzales (dad), Silvia (mom), Eduardo (son), Misty, Mr and Mrs. O Saturday October 13, 2012 Mrs O and I are pleased to  announce Misty Gonzales is the first recipient of the annual Camp Tecumseh scholarship provided by the Kelli Joy O’Laughlin Memorial Foundation.  Camp Tecumseh held a special place in Kelli’s heart …

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ABC TV Ben Bradley Interview


ABC TV Ben Bradley Interview Uncategorized

by kellijoy14 on October 14, 2012 with 0 comment

Mrs O and I want everyone to know an important part of the story that didn’t make it into the final version of the story; we are grateful to everyone who shares our love for our daughter Kelli. The support of our family, friends and the whole community has been tremendous, without that support, we …

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9 Months


9 Months Uncategorized

by kellijoy14 on July 31, 2012 with 0 comment

Kelli, 9 months and I think about when you were in my womb!  I felt like I was in heaven during those nine months as it was totally different then when I carried your brothers and sister.  It was such a joyous moment!  You had a father who truly cared and couldn’t wait to see …

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Thank You.


Thank You. Uncategorized

by kellijoy14 on June 11, 2012 with 0 comment

Thank you letter Letter to the Editor The Doings Newspapers Thank You. Two small words, but they mean so much to us. Since our beautiful girl with the radiant, contagious smile was taken from us last fall, people have astounded us with their thoughtfulness and generosity in Kelli’s name. Kelli’s name is, in fact, now …

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