Nazareth KJO Memorial Scholarship Presentation


Nazareth KJO Memorial Scholarship PresentationScholarships

by kellijoy14 on May 26, 2014 with 0 comment

Presented Friday May 24th, 2014 We are honored to be here to present the Kelli Joy O’Laughlin Memorial Scholarship to a deserving Nazareth Academy  student. Our daughter, Kelli sought and achieved a true balance in her life.  She loved sports, especially tennis and running and worked hard in school to achieve success.  Outside school and …

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KJO Scholarship recipients from Lyons Township for 2013


KJO Scholarship recipients from Lyons Township for 2013Scholarships

by kellijoy14 on May 30, 2013 with 0 comment

On Friday May 24th  we announced the final four winners of the Kelli Joy O’Laughlin Memorial Scholarship for 2013. David French, Maeve Plunkett, Rachel Walsh and Christina Yelnick are the proud 2013 seniors from Lyons Township to have received a $2500 Scholarship in Memory of Kelli Joy O’Laughlin. David will be attending University of Denver …

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