Home Game of the Year!
Come out and Support Kelli’s Fund
Friday January 24, 2014
Proviso West vs Lyons Township Boy’s Basketball
Sophomore play 6:00 PM
Varsity play 7:30 PM
Location: Lyons Township High School North Campus.
All proceeds will be donated to the Kelli Joy O’Laughlin Memorial Fund; includes admission, concession stands, tee shirts sales and a raffle if they have one again this year.
This is the 3rd annual game that raises funds for Kelli’s scholarship.
Last years game raised a total of $13,834. Thank You!
A special Thank You to the teachers and administration staff that make this and all our events possible including:
Jason Brauer – Organizes this event
Tom Sloan – Varsity Coach Boys Basketball
John Grundke – Athletic Director
David Fransen – Principal LTHS (We’ll miss you!)
Dr. Tim Kilrea – Superintendent